10 Ways How To Make Tomato Plants Grow Faster


There are several techniques you can use to speed up the growth of your tomato plants and achieve a quicker harvest.

Effective strategies include starting your plants indoors a few weeks before the last frost date, giving them enough light, water, and nutrients, and pruning them to direct their energy toward making fruit.

What helps tomato plants grow, and how to grow tomatoes faster?

Using good soil and fertilizers and keeping plants from being too close together can also help them grow faster and produce more.

If your tomato plant is growing very slowly, look no further! In this article, I will tell you the ways that, by following them, you will know how long do tomatoes take to grow.

Speed up tomato plant growth
Speed up tomato plant growth

10 Ways how to grow better tomatoes

Tomatoes are a popular crop that can take a long time to grow and produce fruit. So, there are many ways to speed up their growth and get a faster harvest. The tomato plant’s growth timeline is 60 to 100 days to harvest.

One effective method is to start the plants indoors several weeks before the last frost date to give them a head start on the growing season. Another method is providing the plants with ample sunlight, water, and nutrients to promote their growth.

If your tomatoes are growing slowly, proper pruning can also help to redirect the plant’s energy toward fruit production. By utilizing these methods, gardeners can achieve a healthy and productive tomato harvest in less time.

1. Proper Watering

Consistent and adequate watering is essential for the growth and development of tomato plants. To speed up growth, provide them with 1-2 inches of water per week, directed towards the base of the plant to avoid wetting the leaves.

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Watering in the morning or early evening is best, and using a soaker hose or drip irrigation system can help prevent waterlogging while providing a steady supply of water and helps the plants grow faster.

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2. Harden Off The Plants

Hardening off is the process of gradually acclimating plants to outdoor conditions before transplanting them into the garden. This is essential for making tomatoes grow fast as it helps the plants adjust to the change in environment, temperature, and humidity.

Gradually exposing the plants to sunlight, wind, and reducing watering for at least a week will help prevent sunscald and transplant shock, leading to a successful and quicker tomato harvest.

Tomatoes take more than 100 days to harvest, so gardeners started planting plants due to the smaller tomato plant growth rate.

3. Mulch Your Plants

Mulching is an effective and simple way to speed up the growth of your tomato plants. This can lead to healthier and faster-growing plants, as well as a more abundant yield.

By covering the soil around the plants with a layer of organic matter, such as leaves, grass clippings, or straw, you can help retain moisture, regulate soil temperature, and suppress weed growth.

Additionally, mulching can also help to protect the roots of your tomato plants from extreme temperatures, drought, and other environmental stressors, allowing them to grow more quickly and produce fruit sooner.

4. Warm Up The Soil Before Planting

Warming up the soil before planting can be an effective way to speed up tomato growth and get a faster harvest. This can be done by covering the soil with black plastic or a layer of organic matter like compost, which will trap the sun’s heat and warm up the soil.

Tomatoes prefer warm soil and air temperatures to thrive, so by warming up the soil before planting, you can give your plants a head start on their growth.

Once the soil has reached the ideal temperature for planting, you can transplant your tomato seedlings and expect to see faster growth and earlier fruit production.

5. Provide Them Enough Space

Providing enough space for your tomato plants is crucial for their healthy growth and development. Overcrowding can hinder the growth of the plants as they compete for nutrients and water. This can also increase their susceptibility to diseases and pests, further impeding their growth.

It is recommended to plant them at least two to three feet apart to ensure adequate air circulation and sunlight penetration. If you give your tomato plants enough room, they can get to the resources they need to grow quickly and produce more tomatoes.

Because of this, it is important to keep this in mind when you plant and grow your tomato crop.

6. Use Containers or Pots

Use Containers or Pots
Use containers for plants

Using containers or pots is good for speeding up the growth of tomato plants. By using a container, you can control the soil quality and moisture levels, ensuring that the plant has everything it needs to grow quickly.

Containers can be moved around to take advantage of the best sun exposure, allowing the plant to receive more light and heat, which can also speed up growth. It’s important to choose the right size container, with enough room for the plant to grow and develop a strong root system.

With these steps, you can maximize the growth potential of your tomato plants and enjoy a bountiful harvest.

7. Plant Them Deep in Ground

Plant Them Deep in Ground
Dig a big hole for plants

Planting tomato seedlings deep in the soil can accelerate their growth and encourage robust root development. Tomato plants have the unique ability to grow roots along their stem, so planting them deep in the ground creates more opportunities for root growth.

When a plant gets older, its roots get stronger. This makes it easier for the plant to get more nutrients and water from the soil, which leads to faster growth and a higher yield. Furthermore, deep planting can also help stabilize the plant and prevent it from toppling over in windy conditions.

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8. Pruning

Pruning of plants

Pruning is an effective way to speed up tomato growth by directing the plant’s energy towards fruit production instead of foliage. When pruning, it is essential to use sharp and clean pruning shears to prevent damaging the plant and to make clean cuts.

By removing the suckers, or the small shoots that emerge from the main stem, the plant can concentrate on developing larger and more flavorful tomatoes. By making the plant less dense, pruning also improves air flow and lowers the risk of disease.

9. Provide Them Support

To expedite the growth of your tomato plants, there are various measures you can take.

It is essential to ensure that your plants receive ample sunlight, preferably between 6 and 8 hours each day.

Another helpful tip is to add compost or fertilizer to your soil to make it better and give it the nutrients it needs to grow. Furthermore, it is crucial to water your plants appropriately, not too much, as this could lead to diseases.

Pruning the plant can also help direct its energy toward fruit production. You can use plant supports like cages or stakes to help the plant grow vertically and support heavy fruits.

10. Soil Fertilizers

To grow well and make fruit, tomato plants need important nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It is a great way to provide these nutrients to the plants, which can accelerate their growth and increase their yield.

Nitrogen encourages leafy growth and strong stems; phosphorus promotes root development; and potassium helps the plant resist disease and stress.

If you use the right fertilizer at the right time and in the right amount, tomato plants can grow quickly and make lots of healthy fruit.

Tomatoes in larger quantity


There are several ways to speed up tomato growth and improve their yield. Selecting the right variety that is suitable for your growing environment and climate can make a big difference.

Providing ample sunlight, water, and nutrients can significantly enhance the growth of tomato plants. Pruning and training properly results in stronger stems and more robust fruit production.

Using techniques like companion planting, mulching, and natural ways to get rid of pests can help keep a tomato garden healthy and full of life.

Thank you for reading!

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