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Deer may eat tomato plants, as they are known to enjoy a variety of plants and vegetables. To deter deer from eating your tomato plants, you can use physical barriers such as fencing or netting, or apply deer repellent sprays. Additionally, planting other deer-resistant plants around your tomato plants can also help discourage deer from entering your garden.
Are you wondering if the deer in your garden would nibble on your tomato plants? Don’t worry – we’ve got your back with our guide on deer and tomatoes, so you can keep your plants safe!
You’ll learn all the answers to your questions and how to protect your tomato plants from hungry deer.
Do Deer Eat Tomatoes?

Deer are known to be voracious eaters that will consume almost anything available. This includes vegetables, fruits, and plants, which makes tomatoes a potential target for them. When it comes to tomatoes, deer may find the fruit and leaves of the plant appealing, especially when other food sources are scarce.
Many gardeners report that deer sometimes try to eat their tomato plants, although it’s not guaranteed. The fact is, deer are quite fond of berries and other succulent vegetables. So, if your tomato plant has been bearing fruit lately, you might find that the deer recognize it as a potential snack.
The good news is there are a few relatively simple steps you can take to help deter this behavior.
First, ensure your garden is properly fenced so the deer stay away from your tomatoes. It’s also important to rotate your crops regularly. Deer often seek out food in areas exposed by recent human activity such as planting and tilling.
You can also try planting varieties of tomatoes known to be less appealing to these pesky herbivores or spraying pungent liquids like vinegar or hot sauce around susceptible areas as an antidote to their tastebuds.
Ultimately, if your tomato plants have been receiving too much attention from hungry local wildlife while they’re growing in the ground, your best bet may be to protect them with netting and other preventative measures such as scarecrows or wind chimes, etc.
Unfortunately, with foraging wild animals you can never be too cautious when it comes time for harvesting those ripe tomatoes!
Are Tomato Plants Toxic to Deer?
The question of whether deer eat tomato plants is a common one for those with both vegetable gardens and deer in their vicinity. Due to the natural curiosity of animals about new foods, it is not uncommon for them to wander into your garden and eat things that may not be native to their diet.
However, many are concerned about whether tomatoes are safe for deer consumption, as some plants can be toxic for animals to ingest.
The good news is that tomatoes and other parts of the plant, including stems and leaves, are not toxic or harmful to wild deer if eaten.
Though they may not favor certain parts of the plant such as stems and leaves due to their slightly bitter or astringent taste, they will usually find ripe tomatoes quite tasty! This means that you don’t need to worry about protecting your tomato crop from roaming deer.
However, it’s best practice to still create barriers around the garden such as fences or deterrent devices (e.g., motion-activated water sprays) if you want additional protection from unwanted visitors coming into your space uninvited.
Taking these extra steps will also keep other creatures from damaging your crops plus planting it further away from walkways can also help cut down on attracting animals’ attention to your tomato plants.
Also Read:
How to Keep Deer Away From Your Tomato Plants?
Tomato plants are an attractive target for deer, but fortunately, there are many ways to protect your outdoor garden from these four-legged critters. If you want to keep deer away from your tomato plants, the key is understanding their habits and learning how to implement deterrents that will make them think twice about eating the plants and venturing into your garden.
1. Using Scent to Deter Deer
One of the best ways to keep deer away is through scent. Deer have a highly developed sense of smell and can smell plants from far away, so adding strongly scented items around or near your tomato garden may help deter them.
While some people recommend using bags of human hair or soap, this isn’t always ideal or practical as it needs to be replaced every couple of weeks. You can also use pots of strong-smelling herbs such as mint and rosemary or spray the leaves with garlic, onion, or citrus oil-based repellents.
2. Creating Physical Barriers
Another way to deter deer is by making physical barriers around the tomato plants that they won’t be able to jump over easily. Fencing 1-2 feet in height might be enough depending on the size of your garden and the deer population in the area.
3. Using Electronic Devices to Scare Deer Away
You can also install motion-activated lights or sprinklers which will scare them off when they try to approach your yard at night.
4. Using Acetic Acid Baits to Keep Deer Away
Finally, if you want to keep deer away completely, you may consider using baits containing a special formulation containing Acetic Acid as this produces an odor that is extremely unattractive for deer but not harmful to people or pets in your home.
How Much Do Deer Eat Per Day
When considering whether deer will eat your tomato plants, it’s important to understand how much deer typically eat per day. According to the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF), an adult white-tailed deer can consume approximately 6-8 pounds of food in a single day. Of course, the exact amount can vary depending on the availability of food and other factors like the weather.
In general, however, a diet of leaves, twigs, fruits, young shoots, and vegetables should provide enough sustenance to meet their daily caloric needs. It’s also important to consider that deer have powerful stomachs that allow them to digest a variety of plants and grasses. This means that if deer are present in your area and have access to your tomato plants they may decide to make this part of their regular diet.
In addition to understanding how much a deer typically eats per day, it’s important to take steps toward preventing deer from consuming your tomato plants.
To protect your tomato plants from deer, it’s essential to take a few steps. First, regularly check for signs of browsing, such as chewed stems or footprints near your garden. This will help you identify if deer are visiting your property and targeting your tomato plants.
Next, think about putting up a good fence around weak spots or using repellents like scented soaps or dog hair to keep people from going there. These methods can help deter deer from coming too close to your garden and potentially damaging your tomato plants.
By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your tomato plants stay healthy and produce a bountiful harvest. With a little bit of effort and planning, you can enjoy fresh, homegrown tomatoes without worrying about deer munching on your plants.
What Do Deer Generally Eat?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to what deer generally eat, as different species and populations of deer have various dietary preferences. In general, though, the most common plants deer will eat can be grouped into the categories of forbs, grasses, and woody vegetation.
- Forbs are herbaceous plant species that produce leaves and flowers that provide nutrients for wildlife.
- Grasses provide a more substantial source of nutrition with their large root systems providing extra sustenance.
- Lastly, woody vegetation like shrubs and trees usually provide texture as well as berries in some cases.
In terms of tomatoes specifically, natural occurrences make it somewhat likely that wild deer will feed on tomato plants given the chance; however, this is not a “general” behavior to expect from all species or populations of deer.
Nonetheless, the presence of other required food sources should be noted in semi-rural areas since it wouldn’t be uncommon for deer to choose ripe tomatoes if they were available close by.
By understanding what deer generally eat by knowing about their different preferences for forbs grasses and woody vegetation it becomes easier to protect your plants against possible damage from browsing animals like deer or rabbits.
What Other Plants Do Deer Eat?
Deer are often considered to be a gardener’s worst enemy and can wreak havoc on their plants overnight. While it is true that deer will often eat tomato plants, they will also sample a variety of other vegetation in a garden. Learning the different types of plants deer like to eat can help you determine the most effective ways to protect your garden from these hungry critters.
When it comes to what other plants deer eat, many options may surprise you.
- Deer prefer plants with high amounts of protein like legumes, peas, and beans but they will also snack on fruits and vegetables such as pumpkins and squash if they feel threatened or hungry enough.
- Deer may also chew on some flowering plants like tulips, marigolds, and other summer annuals. It may sound strange, but they even have been known to nibble on grass!
- If you want to keep deer away from your tomato plants, ensure that your garden has plenty of variety to feed on without destroying any of your prized produce!
- Planting hedgerows along the perimeter of your property or spraying deterrents such as garlic or pepper spray can work wonders in keeping hungry visitors away from your tomato patch. Enclosing areas with fencing can also provide a physical barrier against potential intruders.
Understanding what other plants deer eat is an important part of protecting delicate vegetation in your garden so take some time to research the best way to make sure that Bambi stays out of reach!