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Companion planting is also called intensive planting or polyculture, but it’s basically the same thing. The idea is to make a place where groups of plants can help and watch out for each other. When you plant things together, you make a healthy community or ecosystem
Tomatoes are a must-have in kitchens and home gardens. People grow them in their yards and in pots, because they taste good, are healthy, and make a lot of food. Tomato plants are easy to grow and care for, but sometimes they get bugs, get sick, don’t produce as much, or have other problems.
We’re lucky that tomatoes grow well with a lot of other plants, herbs, and flowers. Here is a guide to some plants you can grow near your tomatoes to help them growl. They will help tomato plants to grow well and give healthy tomatoes.
What do you mean by companion planting?

Tomato Companion planting is the act of growing certain plants together so that they can help each other. Make sure the plants you choose do well in the same conditions as your tomatoes so they’ll do well with them.
Some reasons why it is a good idea to grow tomatoes with other plants
They attract good bugs that pollinate your tomatoes and keep away bad bugs that might eat your tomato plants:
- By killing fungi naturally, they stop diseases.
- They help everything in your garden grow by making an ecosystem.
- They improve the taste of your tomatoes.
- They help your fruit grow better and give you more of it.
- They go well with tomato dishes.
Tomato Companion plants
There are many things that can go wrong when you plant tomatoes. Like blossom end rot, and fungal diseases. Also, pest insects like tomato hornworms, aphids, and whiteflies can harm them. Diseases like early and late blight are dangerous to tomatoes.
Pruning, keeping an eye out for weeds, and using mulch can help protect. It helps to care for plants until it’s time to harvest. Choosing the right plants to grow with tomatoes can do a lot of the work for you.
Most of what we know about planting with other plants comes from stories, but here are some tried-and-true partners for tomatoes:

Basil and tomatoes pair well in gardening and cookery. If pie flavors are any sign, they’re the perfect cooking team. They’re the perfect yard pair for a few more reasons.
Thyme may discourage tomato pests. Whiteflies, thrips, mosquitoes, and some growers including vegetable hornworms and aphids are pests.
The magic happens when you bite into your first tomato after the harvest. Basil enhances tomato flavor by exchanging nutrients with the soil. Farmers say tomatoes taste better when cultivated near cilantro. Even though this is personal evidence, try it. Even if your results differ, the tomato basil combo will be helpful at home.

Garlic and other alliums smell pungent. That smell deters monsters and animals alike. Garlic repels tomato plant parasites like aphids and spider mites, according to studies. It lowers the problem, sometimes significantly.
Garlic improves soil health by controlling nitrogen and microbes. This increases food yield and reduces pest problems.

Nasturtiums are ideal “capture crops” for insect control. These tasty plants are grown in agricultural areas to attract pests. Pest would otherwise eat your veggies.
Aphids and whiteflies love nasturtium foliage, attracting carnivorous bugs that will consume this. Avoid planting nasturtiums near tomatoes. Their branches and vast roots can choke tomato plants.

Tomatoes and asparagus pair well. Both plants expel pests. They fight distinctive pests. Asparagus repels root-knot nematodes, a common tomato pathogen that damages the stem. Tomato solanine repels asparagus bugs.
They develop well together. Tomatoes and asparagus develop separately. Due to development seasons, they won’t compete for fertilizers or light if placed close together, conserving space.

Borage has two benefits. Tomato farmers know it prevents the dreaded tomato hornworm. These ubiquitous pests consume the complete tomato plant, including leaves and fruit, ruining a crop.
Borage repels pests and attracts helpful ones. Blue blooms attract bees, which benefits vegetable gardens. Tomatoes don’t need insects to grow, but they can help other vegetation in your yard.
Borage is the prettiest tomato companion plant. Their stunning blue blossoms enhance any veggie allotment or yard.

Although the carrot-tomato combo is still being debated. Many gardeners report significant mutual benefits from companion planting. This combo emphasizes development rather than pathogens.
When grown next to tomatoes, carrots aerate and improve the soil. Because of this, tomato roots can more easily absorb water and nutrients from the soil.
As tomato plants grow, they shade the carrots, which are susceptible to sun damage. Despite carrots’ reduced size, some producers say that growing them next to tomatoes increases yield. In that case, the tomato may profit more than the carrot from this mixture.

We’ve already mentioned that companion planting concepts are folklore because they lack facts. Marigolds behave differently. A recent study showed that these flowers emit limonene, which repels whiteflies.
Marigolds protect against root-knot worms like asparagus. Marigolds may also deter tomato hornworms and thrips, according to some growers. Insect control seems to be a marigold’s specialty.
For optimal results, start planting marigolds for tomato plant defense. you should plant before the tomato plant development season. You can also use numerous plants in the same area.

Lettuce and tomatoes are delectable in salads and in the yard (or BLT, if you prefer). It’s one of the odd tomato companion plant pairings because it has nothing to do with pests or plant health. However, these two-yard friends encourage each other differently.
As it develops, lettuce expands broadly. This protects tomato stalks by keeping the soil cool and moist. Tomato bushes shelter lettuce leaves that are quickly sunburned.
Covering gaps between tomato plants with green vegetables protects the soil and adds diversity. Your yard should also have two of the most prevalent salad ingredients.
Related Reading:
- Companion Planting Secrets: Growing Eggplants and Tomatoes Together
- Growing Zucchini And Tomatoes Together Companion Planting
- Cucumber Companion Planting: What To Grow With Cucumbers And What To Not Grow
- 17 Plants You Can Grow With Carrots As Companions
- An Overview of Cucurbitaceae Family
These plants are perfect for the tomato garden because they either keep bugs away, improve the taste, increase production, or help the plants grow. Put as many other plants around your tomato plants as you can.
This will make them happy and healthy. You should avoid any of the plants that are the worst tomato companion plants that could slow down the growth of your tomato plant as you plan your companion planting strategy.