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When a tomato has zippering, it usually has a long, thin, dark tissue that goes from the end of the bud to the end of the stalk. This tissue looks like a zipper. It happens when something goes wrong with the way a fruit grows, like when an anther or another part of a flower is still attached to it.
People usually plant tomatoes as one of the first things in their vegetable yards. But they are also some of the hardest plants to grow and keep alive.
Not because they are hard to make; in fact, the opposite is true. Instead, it’s because tomato plants can have a lot of problems from the beginning to the end of the growing season.
One of these things is tomato zippering, which you’ve probably seen at least once even if you’ve never heard of it. Even though this problem is ugly, it is one of the less dangerous ones.
Let’s look at why this happens so often and how to stop it from happening again.
What does “tomato zippering” mean?

Even though tomato zippering is pretty common, it is rarely talked about. It doesn’t get much attention because it’s one of the less dangerous or worrying possible tomato problems on the long list.
Some tomato plant buds can have a problem called “zippering,” which has nothing to do with taste. As the name suggests, zipper-like sores form on the skin of the tomato. The length and depth of these sores can vary. If the problem is bad, the plants may start to get holes in them.
Most tomatoes only have one closed hole sticking out of the middle of the tomato. In some cases, multiple tumors can grow on tomatoes without hurting the inner flesh. Even though holes in veggies don’t change the meat in any way, they can make them more likely to get bugs or diseases. Also, only a small number of the plant’s seeds will be affected at the same time.
Signs for tomato zippering can look like tomatoes that are cat-facing or are breaking. Even though these problems aren’t the same as zippering and have different causes and answers, tomatoes can also have them.
Related Reading:
- Unveiling the Tomato Calories: How Many Calories Are in a Tomato?
- Tomato Powder: Preserving the Essence of Fresh Tomatoes for Longer
- When to Feed Tomato Plants: A Comprehensive Guide
How does a tomato get a zipper?
This problem is hard to spot until the tomato is fully grown because it first shows up when the crop is just starting to grow. The tip of the stamen, which is the anther and is in the middle of the flower, grows connected to the side of the young seeds.
As the tomato grows and spreads, this turns into a long cut in the middle of the tomato that looks like a zipper. Where the other got stuck may be where the big holes start to form.
Sad to say, not much is known about why this is happening. But farmers have thought of a few good reasons why the anther sticks to some flowers at first.
The first likely cause is high dampness. When there is a lot of water in the air, the base of the tomato flower gets more sticky. Because fresh seeds are easier for the anther to stick to, this makes it more possible that the tomato will “zip.”
Also, it has been noticed that this disease tends to get worse when it is cold. Variety is also important because some tomatoes are more likely to split than others. Even though it’s not clear why this is happening, it does show a way to stop the problem.
Is there a way to stop zipping?
Since the exact reasons are hard to pin down, it’s hard to avoid tomato zippering. The first step is to plant tomato types that are less likely to get this problem. People think that there are fewer zippering problems with Celebrity or Glacier tomato types, which do best in cold areas.
Avoid places in your yard where cold air tends to gather if you want to grow tomatoes that produce tomatoes when the temperature is higher, especially at night.
Some of the tomatoes might not get hurt if you cover your plants when the temperature drops quickly during the tomato-growing stage.
Even though farmers can’t control the amount of moisture in the air, it’s thought that planting in the right place and making sure there’s airflow around the plant can help prevent tomato zippering.
In any case, tomatoes do not do well in places with a lot of heat because they are much more likely to get sick.
Make sure there is enough space between plants to help the airflow around them. Sucklers need to be cut often, but not too much. Read this advice to find out exactly when and where to trim your tomato plants.
Related Reading:
- All You Need To Know About Tomatoes.
- How Big Of A Pot For Tomatoes? Ideal Container Size For Tomato Plants
- Hybrid or Heirloom Tomatoes? Which of These Two Types Is better?
What Should You Do If tomato Zippers?
Unfortunately, no way to stop something from happening is 100% sure. Even if you take all the steps that can be taken, some of your tomato goods may still zip. So, what should you do with those damaged tomatoes?
The good news is that you just have to eat them! tomato zippering is a physical problem that doesn’t change how the food tastes or feels.
Even though zipped tomatoes don’t look as good as the other tomatoes on the plant, they still taste just as good as all the other tomatoes.
Because they can be ugly, zipped tomatoes don’t belong in a salad or on a fresh hamburger. Use these tomatoes instead in soups or jams that have already been made. First, peel them to get rid of any damaged skin.
Even though tomato zippering is annoying, nothing bad happens when you have to use them. Keep using the goods and make notes about how to avoid the problem next season.