White spots on tomato leaves: their causes and fixes


I know that tomatoes are a very popular crop which is grown by many people, but they can be affected by many diseases and pests. White spots on tomato leaves are one of the most common problems that many tomato growers face. Although this problem may seem small, But it can be a sign of bigger problems and affect the health and growth of tomato plants. In this article, I will find out why tomato leaves have white spots and show you how to fix them properly.

Causes of white spots on tomato leaves

Causes of white spots

There are a few things that can cause white spots to show up on tomato leaves. Let’s look more closely at the most common reasons why this problem happens.

1. Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is one of the most common things that causes white spots on tomato leaves. Many plants, especially tomatoes, are impacted by this fungus. It causes the leaves, stems, and fruit to get a white, powdery protective layer. This disease is most common in places that are humid, which can be spread by wind, rain, and bugs.

Powdery mildew can cause white spots to show up on the leaves of tomato plants, which can then turn yellow and die. If the disease is not treated, it can damage the plant’s health and crop, and in the worst cases, it kill the plant.

2. Sunscald

Sunscald is another thing that can cause white spots on tomato leaves. This happens when tomatoes get too much direct sunlight and get white or yellow spots on their leaves and fruit. Sunscald can happen if tomato plants are grown in places with a lot of direct sunlight or if they don’t have enough shade.

Sunscald causes white spots to show up on the leaves and fruits, as well as sunken, discolored spots on the fruit. When sunscald is bad, the fruit can rot and no longer be used.

3. Nutrient deficiencies

White spots on tomato leaves can also be a sign that the plant isn’t getting enough of something. Most of the time, this happens when the plant doesn’t have enough calcium and magnesium, which can lead to white, dead spots on the leaves.

In areas with low soil pH, calcium deficiency is common, while magnesium deficiency is more common in soils with little organic matter. Both problems can hurt the growth and health of tomato plants, which can lower the yield and quality of the tomatoes.

4. Spider Mites

Spider mites are tiny spider-like insects; they eat tomato leaves and make white spots on the tops of the leaves. They leave behind small white spots that turn yellow or brown over time. If spider mites are not treated, they can do a lot of damage to tomato plants and make them produce much less.

How to fix tomato leaves on white spots?

fix tomato leaves on white spots

After looking at some of the most typical causes of white spots on tomato leaves, let’s examine possible solutions.

1. Cultural controls

To get rid of white spots on tomato leaves, the first step is to use good cultural practices. This can include giving the plants enough water, fertilizer, and pruning. Good soil management is also important because it can help prevent nutrient deficiencies and reduce the risk of diseases like powdery mildew.

Shading is a key cultural control that can help stop sunscald. Tomatoes should be grown in places that get some shade, or growers can use materials like cloth or shade netting to make shade structures.

2. Treatments with chemicals

White spots on tomato leaves can also be taken care of with chemical treatments. Fungicides are often used to treat powdery mildew and other diseases caused by fungi. They can also help reduce the size of white spots on tomato leaves.

It’s important to remember that chemical treatments should be used carefully and in accordance with the label’s instructions. If you use chemicals too much, your body may become resistant to them. This can make future treatments less effective.

3. Natural treatment

Some gardeners like to get rid of white spots on tomato leaves with home remedies. The majority of individuals believe that these therapies are less successful than chemical ones, although they may be safer and more environmentally friendly. Here are a few good ways to treat white spots on tomato leaves at home:

  • Making baking soda spray: one gallon of water and one spoonful of baking soda, and then spray the mixture on the leaves of the tomato plant. Baking soda can help lessen the effects of powdery mildew because it kills fungi.
  • Milk spray: Mix one part milk with nine parts water, then spray the mixture on the leaves of the tomato plant. Powdery mildew can’t take hold if there are proteins in the milk.
  • Epsom salt spray: Spray the leaves of the tomato plant with a mixture of two tablespoons of Epsom salt and one gallon of water. Epsom salt has magnesium in it, which can help keep you from getting too little magnesium.
  • It’s important to remember that home remedies can help with white spots on tomato leaves, but they may not be as effective as chemical treatments.

4. Prevention

It’s often easier to keep white spots from appearing on tomato leaves than to get rid of them once they do. Here are some good ways to stop it from happening:

  • Choose disease-resistant tomato varieties: choose tomato varieties that are resistant to common diseases, like powdery mildew, when choosing which ones to plant.
  • Proper spacing: Leaving enough space between tomato plants can make it less likely that diseases will spread. Tomato plants should be at least two to three feet apart so that air can flow around them.
  • Regular inspection: If you check on your tomato plants often, you may be able to spot problems early on. Look for white spots on tomato leaves and other problems, and fix them right away. eavesLeaves can be a bothersome issue, but with the proper information and techniques, it can be efficiently addressed. Growers can keep tomato plants healthy and productive by learning what causes white spots on the leaves of tomato plants and taking the right steps to deal with them.


For tomato farmers, white spots on tomatoes’ leaves can be a bother, but they can be taken care of easily with the right information and methods. Leaves can be a problem, but with the right knowledge and skills, they can be taken care of quickly and easily. Growers can keep tomato plants healthy and productive by learning what causes white spots on the leaves of tomato plants and taking the right steps to deal with them.

Getting rid of white spots on tomato leaves can be done with the right gardening techniques, chemical treatments, and natural remedies. White spots on tomato leaves can be prevented in a number of ways, such as by choosing disease-resistant tomato varieties and leaving enough space between plants. With these tips in mind, tomato growers can get a big harvest of healthy tomatoes.

Read more: White spots on tomato leaves: their causes and fixes
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